Ugye milyen nehéz, amikor Isten hallgat, amikor elrejti arcát előlünk. Ezt tapasztaltam az utóbbi időben, és életem során már többször is. Kerestem, hogy mi az, amit elkövettem, ami miatt hallgat. A napokban megértettem valamit. Amikor Isten hallgat nem mindig a bűn az oka. Sokszor Isten a hallgatása által próbálja ki a hitünket. Emlékezz csak Jób esetére, Dávid hányszor könyörgött Istenhez, hogy miért rejtette el orcáját előle. És, igen! Isten nem hagy el, többször is ígérte. Olyan ígéretet viszont soha nem tett, hogy mindig érezni fogjuk jelenlétét. Sőt, még el is ismeri, hogy időnként elrejti orcáját előlünk. Amikor úgy érezzük, Isten magunkra hagyott bennünket, s mi mégis, érzéseink ellenére is bízunk benne - nos, ilyenkor imádjuk Őt a lehető legmélyebben.
Bátorítást jelentett számomra a lenti ének is. Sokszor mondtam már én is Istennek, "ha itt lettél én nem érzem, hogy itt lennél..." és ehhez hasonlókat. És néha jogosnak tünik, hogy ezt mondjam. De amikor meglátom Isten tervét, akkor azt mondom, "Igen, Neked volt igazad!"
Mert "amikor Ő négy napot késik, és minden remény oda van,
Uram, nem értem miért váratsz olyan sokat,
De az Ő útja Isten útja, nem a tied sem az enyém,
Még ha négy napot késik is, Ő még akkor is időben van..."
"Szívem zsong a szép szavaktól, művemet a királynak mondom el, nyelvem gyors, mint az írnok tolla."
vasárnap, november 12, 2006
Four days late...
The news came to Jesus „please come fast.
Lazarus is sick and without Your help he will not last.”
Mary and Martha watched their brother die
They waited for Jesus- He did not come.
And they wondered why.
The death watch was over; buried four days.
Somebody said „He'll soon be hereThe Lord's on His way.”
Martha ran to Him and then she cried
"Lord if You had been here- You could have healed him.
He'd still be alive.
But You're four days late, and all hope is gone.
Lord, we don't understand why You've waited so long."
But His way is God's way,not yours or mine.
And isn't it great? When He's four days late,
He's still on time!
Jesus said, "Martha, show Me the grave."
But she said, "Lord You don't understand-
He's been there four days!"
The grave stone was rolled back.
Then Jesus cried, "Lazarus! Come forth!"
Then somebody said, "He's ALIVE! He's ALIVE!"
You may be fighting a battle of fear
You've cried to the Lord "I need You now!"
But He has not appeared.
Friend don't be discouraged’cause He's still the same.
He'll soon be here, He'll roll back the stone,
And He'll call out your name!
When He's four days late and all hope is gone,
Lord, we don't understand why You've waited so long.
But His way is God's way, not yours or mine.
And isn't it great? When He's four days late,
He's still on time!
My God it's great!
When He's four days late,
He's still on time!!!
Lazarus is sick and without Your help he will not last.”
Mary and Martha watched their brother die
They waited for Jesus- He did not come.
And they wondered why.
The death watch was over; buried four days.
Somebody said „He'll soon be hereThe Lord's on His way.”
Martha ran to Him and then she cried
"Lord if You had been here- You could have healed him.
He'd still be alive.
But You're four days late, and all hope is gone.
Lord, we don't understand why You've waited so long."
But His way is God's way,not yours or mine.
And isn't it great? When He's four days late,
He's still on time!
Jesus said, "Martha, show Me the grave."
But she said, "Lord You don't understand-
He's been there four days!"
The grave stone was rolled back.
Then Jesus cried, "Lazarus! Come forth!"
Then somebody said, "He's ALIVE! He's ALIVE!"
You may be fighting a battle of fear
You've cried to the Lord "I need You now!"
But He has not appeared.
Friend don't be discouraged’cause He's still the same.
He'll soon be here, He'll roll back the stone,
And He'll call out your name!
When He's four days late and all hope is gone,
Lord, we don't understand why You've waited so long.
But His way is God's way, not yours or mine.
And isn't it great? When He's four days late,
He's still on time!
My God it's great!
When He's four days late,
He's still on time!!!
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